We recognise the duty we have to ensure that the environmental burdens of the company’s operations are minimised and we achieve this by setting high environmental standards. We appreciate that landfill of materials is also the least preferred option for our clients too and are continuously investigating new options and emerging technologies to further avoid the landfilling of our residual materials.
We have our own systems for the collection of emissions data and reporting of our carbon footprint. This includes the conversion of waste materials diverted from landfill, as well as direct energy use and transport emissions.
Duty of Care
All businesses in England and Wales have a legal Duty of Care to ensure waste is disposed of responsibly.
If you produce waste you must take all reasonable steps to keep waste safe. Businesses are not permitted to dispose of their waste at Recycling Centres for Household Waste as these are for domestic use only.
If you give it to someone else you must be sure they are authorised to collect, transport, process or dispose of it safely and legally. If you break the law you could be fined an unlimited amount.
Duty of care has no time limit as it extends until the waste has been finally disposed of or fully recovered. You are liable for your waste up until the point you receive certification confirming its disposal.
Businesses are legally required to keep waste transfer notes and certificates confirming disposal for a minimum of 2 years and could be asked to produce them at any time. If they don’t do this it is a criminal offence and could result in an on-the-spot fine or a conviction.
We can arrange fully-compliant, safe and environmentally-friendly waste removal solutions.